Monday, May 16, 2016

Hello family! 

This week was so great! Guadalupe and Candela got baptized, FINALLY! Ah it was so sweet to watch Matias baptize them. Hermana Herrera and I love the Espinoza family so much! We were a little sad because their mom and step dad didn’t come...but their dad came so that was still good. Literally I just had a moment on Sunday when I realized that I probably only have 2 weeks left in Perico.  I’m really sad about it.  I feel like I have more friendships with the members here than in my first area (probably because I can speak now. haha) but really I don’t want to leave or think about changing I wont for now ;) 

Ah I feel like a lot of funny things happened this week, but as always I can’t remember. I always think oh I need to write home about this and then I always forget.... sorry I’m so boring. 


I don’t know if I’ve ever explained how I shower here, but you pretty much turn on the water and it fills up a bucket and then turn off the water, plug in the bucket thing to an outlet,  wait 15 minutes and then you have like a 3 minute shower while the water drips out of the bucket... anyway our outlet melted and we have had to heat water over the stove and then pour it into the bucket it’s great. haha

My companion wants me to learn “Chileano” so she has been teaching me words. One word that I love to say, and we have used so much here is “FLAITE” which pretty much means ghetto haha. So todo el timpo we are saying “Oh we are so flaite” or “That man is so flaite”.

Also every night my companion needs to use the bathroom and I swear every morning she says, “The baby cucarachas came out last night”.  She won’t kill them and I don’t know why, but yeah, only at night in our bathroom are there little baby cucarachas. 

Also one person asked if I was from Germany another person if I was from Brazil.  I just don’t get people sometimes. 

Hope everyone has a great week!
Count your blessings! Read your scriptures! And as always...
Eat some Mexican food!

Con amor.
Hermana Allen 

"A butterfly on my finger...that never happens in real life"
- Hermana Allen

The baptism of Guadalupe and Candela 

Selfie with Matias and his sisters

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