Monday, October 5, 2015


Okay wow. what a week! Not going to lie..this week was a little bit emotionally draining. At the beggining I was getting so frustrated with myself and couldn't figure out what the problem was. Friday I had my interview with President Chaparro and I was praying that he would say something to help me feel better. The first thing he talks about is following the spirit and how it is the most important thing. It was such an answer to my prayers! I realizd that I have not been followung the spirit this week. I have been too focused on the language and having so much fear about how I would come across to the people. President told me that I should try the best I can to just focus on their body positioning, their eyes, and focus as hard as I can to their accent and what they are saying. 

After this interview I promised myself that I wouldn't care about how I sounded. That I would fear God more than man. For the rest of the day I felt the Spirit so strong and just so much joy! I still didn't know what they were saying, but I now have LOVE with me and the confidence to bare testimony. SIMPLE testimony hahah. When I try to speak I try to look at the directlly in their eyes and speak with as much power as I can so they can feel the Spirit. IT ISN'T ABOUT ME. 
Pretty much I have been slapped in the face this weekend by the Spirit, but it s what I needed. in Preach my Gospel it says ¨Your confidence and trust should be in God not in yourself.¨ Reality is I need to have enough faith that God will still touch the hearts of these amazaing people...even through my weaknesses. 

CONFERENCE WAS SO AMAZING! I got to watch it in English!!! AHH! We had to go to Conception to watch it which is an hour and a half away by bus. On Sunday all of our progressing investigadors came! So fun! 
I felt like conference for me was like eating after fast Sunday...haha It wasnt long enough. Definatley still on a spiritual high if you cant tell! 
I think my favorite talk was given by President Eyring, about the spirit. But really I wish I had time to tell you EVERYTHING I LEARNED. 

This week we should have two baptisms! So exciting :) 
Mom, to answer your question we are allowed to have mate cocina...which is mate in little tea bags (other mate takes too much time...that's why we are not allowed to have it). And pretty much every area is walking...only 2 or 3 have bikes. 
THANK YOU TO EVERYONE WHO WRITES ME. I print out all my letters but don't have time to write everyone back! SO Sorry! Please keep writing! It makes me feel connected to you and your families! 

This week I am going to be Brave! you can too! Keep sharing the gospel, praying, pondering, reading, and LOVING OTHERS. 

be Brave Little Champions

Con Amor, 
Hermana Allen 

The following is an email from Hermana Allen's companion (Hermana Paiva) from Brazil.  It was sent completly in Spanish/Portuguese.  This was the best the google translator could do.  I Loved the additional perspective gleamed from her companions letter.  What beautiful testimonies from two women each from completly different countries yet both have a genuine love of the Lord and for eachother.

A Crazy Week! 
I Have been studying Inglés. And my companion 
Said that Inglés I spoke in my sleep. ☺
This week we have the Baptism of Gladys and Maria Rosa, we are animated by Friday of this week! 
I'm happy with Allen's Sister, she is the best. 
We sell Milagros together and we're working hard, references nuestars members greatly improved !! 
We are encontarndo new and I'm really happy !! 
This week was 17 months at the mission and I still remember the best gift for me entreinadora with intreinamento Allen's Sister. 
Last week a dog jajjaja wanted to kill us ... 
I am learning English but is very difficult to understand me and partner with Eng. 
She's cute and talk much !! 
A week of Intrevista with the president, was very espeiritual and I loved it, I invite you to make goals for the home but the truth is that not even think .. 
Claro was the best conference, feeling both espeirito and am so thankful for the prophet and aposteles, I know they are men chosen by God. 
I love many things! 
Over um month I'm studying on Righteousness and on disclosure and feel so strong the Holy espeirito that is much talked about righteousness and revelation in the Sabadão ago, was a response when the elder said that's not a bad Wishing righteousness, because it is the only way to enter the kingdom of God .. 
We are with goal to memorize a scripture every week and apply during the week and ponimos with investigators.
We had 5 people who attended the conference and with them ponumos the goal of writing a week and they will charm.
The strong espeirito tells me that the church is verdadeira really was the best gift of my life is to know the gospel. 
This week I write this in Alma 7: 23

And now I would that ye should be humble and docile submissive, faciel to persuade full of patience and long-suffering, being temperate in all things, being diligent in keeping the commandments of God at all times asking for things that they need, both spiritual and temporal, always thanking God for the things that recibiis.
Thank you. 
Sr. Paiva !!! 

In Conception Tucuman- All of the progressing investigators before watching General Conference


We took a "Traffy" together to Conception to watch General Conference.  Maria Rosa (baptism this week and David a new convert) in the Backseat.  Rosa-front 

My most favorite photo Hermana Allen has sent to date!  Love this!

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